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Reply to "High School Baseball"

cabbagedad posted:

This is a discussion/debate that comes up fairly often here.  As some have pointed out, most HS and college programs have a coach call pitches and there are many valid reasons.  Will your HS son catcher actually be up on scouting reports and spray charts of opponents as much as the most qualified coach on staff?  Even if he is, will his other responsibilities suffer a bit in order for him to keep track of all this?  The catcher has so many responsibilities and things to keep track of without calling pitches.  How many HS kids are really equipped to add that and put the team in a better position to win than if that qualified coach was calling? 

I agree that a catcher will learn a lot from calling games and there are right times to have him do so.  We do it with our summer games and most inter-squads.  In the rare instance where a C shows the ability to handle this well without the rest of his game suffering, we're all for it. 

Also, it does depend on the coach alignment as well.  Is there a qualified coach who knows his P's, can do it and put the team in a better position to win? 

Coach' analogy of the football QB is a good one.  No one ever says "well, how is he supposed to learn the game?" when the QB doesn't call plays.  Is It "over-coaching" when the FB HC calls plays?

Actually, I think I disagree. I think they are a bit different. Football QBs should be learning to read the defense and know his progressions during the play. He should be learning what audibles to call after a defense is set. He needs to be able to identify, along with his center, the MIKE linebacker for that play. With all of those things to learn, I think it's ok for the coach to signal in the play call. The QB has plenty of responsibilities already -- assuming they are running an offense with a bit of sophistication to it. 


Of course, there are sophistication levels of the game (that you point out in your post) for a catcher as well regarding defensive alignment, opposing batters history and opposing hitter weaknesses.  And that would be a lot to take on....however, learning to put together a good sequence (changing locations, varying pitches etc. ) would be a nice thing for catchers to get more time in the saddle doing.

I also understand that coaches need to win. So, I agree with the point above about possibly getting more if that training in travel versus high school. 

full disclosure here..,Son  is a catcher so you have to take that into consideration. 
