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Reply to "High School Baseball"

Overthehill posted:

PLAYWITHEFFORT-mine is a catcher as well.  Here's the devil's advocate part of this discussion.  What if the high school coach gives the reins to his players?  Who now is in charge?  The pitcher or the catcher?  I could see both having a different plan of action.  My other concern is what about pitch position.  What if you have a pitcher that throws hard?  Me, being a catcher my whole playing career, would like to know is he throwing inside or out?  Putting 1 finger down and knowing a fast ball is coming is ok, but I'd like to know his intentions.   As a catcher, it was my job to take care of the pitcher.  Including taking care of his mistakes, pitches in the dirt, etc.  Is a pitcher really ever in control?  College freshman pitchers didn't get to pitch much shaking off senior catchers.  

Either coach calls the pitches or you have a catcher that a) either calls the pitches based on his knowledge or b) calls the pitches with a keen insight into what the pitcher is "thinking" - with the ability to shake a few if they miss one another.  Without a solid catcher, then you have no choice but to defer to coach.  I've read about some MLB catchers who basically have the same level of expertise as most of the coaches, but then again they get paid - that is their job to study teams/players as well as their pitchers.  Some MLB pitchers know as much or more about opposing hitters and expect their catcher to get on board and get most calls right with the occasional shake.  Maybe that is a little old school and some of the sabermatics guys are taking over pitch calling duites (maybe there is some computer secretly solving for the most effective pitch at any given time).
