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Reply to "High School Baseball"

coach2709 posted:

Steve A I'm not sure how it's possible to criticize ironhorse for being close minded for wanting to call pitches as a coach when you've done nothing but generalize and stereotype all the pitch calling coaches as a tyrant that coaches through fear?  Little hypocritical there to be honest.

Couple of observations

1.  Just because a coach calls pitches doesn't mean he's coaching through fear / intimidation.  I typically call pitches but I want input from both pitcher and catcher.  They are out there on the front lines.  It helps create a system to teach them how to call pitches through our conversations.  It helps create ownership in them to learn because their opinion has value

2. You criticize ironhorse way of getting Freshmen, call their games, talk to learn and eventually let them take over because it's better for them to get out there and make mistakes.  But what is the catcher is dumb as a box of rocks?  I've had guys who were amazing physically - block, frame, throw, hit - but just couldn't get it mentally.  I wouldn't even signal plays in through them because I was afraid they couldn't do it after spending hours teaching them.  You willing to let them learn in that way?

3.  Pro ball players get to spend a few more hours honing their craft and be around the most intelligent baseball people than amateur players.  Those amateur players have to go to those silly classes that take up most of the day.  It's easier to teach when you can sit down with a coach and break down film to teach whatever.  But I can't just pull that kid out of biology to break down film especially when I'm teaching the Civil War.

You talk about coaches having egos but you may want to look in the mirror.  You have done nothing but criticize anybody and anything that doesn't fall in line with your beliefs.

Hi Coach, I do not think you have misunderstood some of what my point is. I will boil it down to this: If winning is the #1 Priority for a HS Coach, then absolutely yes, if he has a clue, the team would likely have a better chance to win if he calls pitches. If developing the pitcher is the motive, then absolutely without question letting him shake & throw his own game is the way to go. This is my OPINION that happens to be shared by many with vastly more experience than myself or anyone else probably posting here. I offered it & suggested that the coaching ego is the primary factor in determining which side of this fence you fall on. Ironhorse told me I was "ignorant." Now, I am ignorant on many things but I am not ignorant on this topic.
