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Reply to "High School Baseball"

Ignorant to me means lacking knowledge in a subject. Please explain to me how you (or Billy Wagner) have any knowledge of me or my motivations for things I do when coaching. You have never met me, and other than a few posts don't know anything about me. If you can't speak expertly to my mindset and motivations (without generalizations or assumptions), then you are by definition ignorant.

Please also explain the "vast experience" of you and the other people of this position. And please understand that playing experience doesn't expressly translate to understanding coaching or how to develop players. Think that sounds a little egotistical to me.

I'm sure there are plenty of people who feel like you do who have much more experience than me, and are probably better coaches, and I have no problem with that. I'm comfortable with how we do it. (And my ego loves it, too.)


