I love baseball, I love my son, I love watching him enjoy baseball. Enjoy the dad's setting in the stands for a few minutes counting who hit how many bombs, just enjoying being outside with fellow baseball lovers. It has nothing to do with "trusting" the coach he knows less about the game than my daughter I wouldn't trust him with a 8u team if I was paying for it, I am positive the college coach knows more. It shows support for the team, support for your son and it's about the love of the game. I'm guessing your one of the dad's that convinces himself you miss all your kids activities to help them. Sure keep saying that.
Then show support by attending the games and supporting the booster club. I have no problem of a parent watching the last few minutes of practice while they wait for their son. It's quite another to sit there and watch the entire practice - there's a subtle message being sent.
And you guess wrong. Like you I love my son, enjoy the game and enjoy watching him play the game. I've attended nearly every game during his HS career. College is a different story - he is 250 miles away (4.5 hour drive) and we simply can't drive down every weekend so we try to go once a month.
I think you are dead wrong. If watching a full practice once in awhile makes me a bad guy, than I am guilty, but I don't think it does. Since my son didn't play football or basketball this year, I really am chomping at the bit to see some baseball, and I will go to a practice or two. I love baseball, and I love going to chew the fat with the other dads. We have put a lot of money, time, patience, love, etc., and wanting o watch a practice isn't too mush to ask or over the top.
Im with you! Why does everyone assume attending a practice means you talk to the coach. I've never seen the start of practice due to work but I love catching the end of any practice I can. I've never witnessed a single dad in four years approach a coach during our after practice. It's a tradition at our school and helps the dads get to know each other. Fridays are usually the day you end up with 10 to 15 dads there. I try to make 1 every week or two. If you don't think it's right just don't come, it's your loss. My son told me last week " I feel sorry for so and so his dad never comes to anything. Might be fox dad's kid.