Does HS summer baseball hurt developement? The answer is yes.
Explain to me how baseball players can get better and improve without practice? I grew up in a day and age where we practiced 2 days a week and played 3 days a week in the summer. On weekends, I took ground balls and practiced with the semi-pro team in the area. I have a son in high school in the West suburbs and I am can not believe how bad the HS summer ball is in this area. When is someone going to stand up and say enough is enough. Talk to coaches and parents from Ohio, no high school summer ball, just weekend travel tournaments. Talk to coaches from the North suburbs, everyone is going to the legion model and improving the quality of play and development. The only way for players to get better is by playing against better competition, seeing better pitching and to practice the game, something that I would suggest is NOT happening very often in the West Suburbs.