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Reply to "High school summer ball hurt development?"

Originally posted by bballdad1954:
S****r or cross country. Football is an injury waiting to happen. It is not "if" it is when what and how serious.

If he has a better chance of succeeding in football, then go for it. But, if his future is in baseball, he will hurt an arm shoulder or knee playing football.

What a terrible way to go through life, scared of participating because of a potential for sports injury.

Originally posted by Bulldog 19:
If a kid wants to play football, let him play football. The memories developed playing high school football are just unbelievable. A kid is only in high school once.

YEAH BABY...ROCK THEIR WORLD! Nothing like it.

Mental toughness is not dis associative from physical toughness. Contrary to popular belief (from those who never experienced it), it's not about what you can dish out, it's about learning about how much you can take...came up smiling ear to ear from some great shots...given & gotten.

At West Point, boxing is a requirement for all cadets. Real eyes, blood, broken bones. Do you want to know the real reason why? It's so that Cadets can understand they can get punched in the face and not die.

There is nothing, like taking a huge shot...laid out...totally steam rolled...and getting up to do it again.

Those that cower and shy away from such aggression in sport, never fully learn what they are capable of...IMHO.
Last edited by CPLZ