Can I put in my two cents on playing football in the fall? My son has played two years of high school football at this point. It kept him working out and getting stronger during the baseball off season. From November to March 1st, he was in a modified football weight lifting program. I told the coaches to realize that he was a baseball pitcher first, so work on the legs on trunk, but not the upper body as much.
To make a long story short, he went from a pretty good freshman pitcher to a very very good varsity pitcher in one year. As a sophmore he started 9 varsity games, won 6 of them and had an ERA around 2.50. Started two state playoff games and pitched deep into both games, and his team won both games. The baseball coaches were nothing but supportive of him playing football.
Bottom line to me is that there is no way he would be as good a pitcher as he is now if he wasn't playing football. He will definetly play football this fall and pitch one game a week for a travel team just to keep in the game. Yes he could get hurt playing football but in my mind that is a risk worth taking. Besides he has a great time on the football team, and there is no way I'm going to take that experience away from him.