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Reply to "High school summer ball hurt development?"

Originally posted by Playball2:
That gets back to my point exactly, why play games 4 days a week and NEVER practice? Why not play 3 days a week and practice on those 'weaknessess" on the practice day instead of waiting for the "offseason"?

DTA,if there is one thing that I am confident of it is that travel fails at the same level to practice as many times as you suggest HS baseball to practice (infact this baseball utopia you speak of doesn't exist). While it true about all sports, you get better at the game by playing. There is great difficulty in simulating all that baseball can encompass.

Secondly,You state that this is not a debate about HS ball, but you finish your statement by stating that travel ball is light years ahead of HS baseball. I have spent many a year watching and evaluating the efforts of those light years ahead and have found it to be significantly inconclusive as it applies to the development of my players (and I have had many). There is a major distinction between Travel and HS summer programs, I said it before and I will say it again. Summer baseball is about identifying strengths and weaknessess within the team/individual. Travel ball is about exposure, instuction/instructors is of great quality and poor quality, no different then any level of baseball. But there is a freedom I have in HS that leads to a multitude of teachable moments and develops skill with out the consequence of not being deemed a prospect.

As an example: we will hit and run on 1-1 counts with one out and a man on first. No matter the score/inning/pitcher/catcher. Or we will sacrafice bunt innings 5/6/7 again, no matter the score/innings/out.

So before you pass judgement think, which really enhances player development.

Playball2 - you are probably more the exception, not the rule when it comes to coaches and working on things to make your team better from what I have seen, heard and talked to players who are playing in summer league games.

No duh the travel team fails at the same level of practice that the HS team does. I do not get any of the players during the week because they play with their HS teams and I would never insist that a kid missed his HS games. Not sure where I said anything about this baseball utopia, because it does not exist around here.

I would contend that the better HS players that are juniors and incoming seniors would be better off NOT playing HS summer baseball and playing more travel level games or legion leagues, whatever it is that gets them more games against better competition. It is also my opinion because MOST do not, summer baseball hurts their development.
For the average player, you are probably right, the HS summer season does have some benefits for them, and even the higher level player gets some benefits from summer baseball (AB's) and innings pitched.

Practice - doesn't need to be the worthless 3 hr practice where nothing gets done. A quick 1.5 hour practice working on fielding groundballs (can never get enough groundballs) and situations, covering first etc once a week can do nothing but improve young ballplayers. If a kid does not want to or like practice, then maybe he does not want to be a ball player. This again is just my opinion.