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Reply to "High school summer ball hurt development?"

My nephew in Coloradio was not allowed to play summer travel ball last year and his baseball career is over. Would his career be over if he was allowed to play travel ball during this important time in his life? Maybe, maybe not but he'll never know.

What I've wintessed this summer listening to parents and players (thankfullly its not my sons coach, he's been great)is nothing short of a scandal. If I was to give one piece of advice to 8th grade parents about your son's post high school dreams it would be check out your hs school coaches philosophy on travel ball, particularly the summer of his junior year. Its a make or break attitude that could affect his future more than anything else.

Well done IGBALL condemn a whole institution because of hearsay and a nephew who didn't move forward. Sounds pretty arbitrary. Let me represent the remaining shred of dignity that was afforded to us HS coaches after this post by saying this. Don't play HS baseball. If there is a better option then take it. Why would you want to put your son in a program that fails to look out for his best interest. It is the one thing that continues to baffle me. Aren't parents supposed to be protecting their kids, but they would continue to put them back into a situation that fails to enhance their person. Come on. You actions speak louder than, your words. You can't have both. Make a decision and don't look back. Hindsight is always 20/20, hope you've make the right decision, for your sons sake.