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Hitting - What are you thinking?

I've read several posts here and on BBF about people "thinking" reactions. Well, I'm not coming with the "I could have been somebody(Brando's voice)if I'd have had better coaching." Wink However, I could swing it a little. Good HS hitter, poor college hitter. I'm reading "go, go, NO!" I've read some think "ball, strike, & swing." I'm really struggling with a cognitive thought "no" in .2 of a second. Ok, so the last time I ventured here I received a response about blinking. You don't sit around all the time thinking blinking and I'm betting that you can blink a lot easier than swing/stop a bat. Yes, I do still swing it once in a while although, admittenly it is off of a machine and so, we all know the pitfalls of that. I still hit with a "feel" or a "sense." Realistically it is a read white and react. I don't think torque my hands. I don't think get a running start. Admittedly, I don't think connection. I react and that's it. I then trust in my repetitions etc. in practice to prepare me. In short, it is a spacial thing with reaction in time and space. I know that doesn't clear anything up.

So, are you thinking when you hit and how are you thinking?

"Failure depends upon people who say I can't."  - my dad's quote July 1st, 2021.  CoachB25 = Cannonball for other sites.

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