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Reply to "Home School or High School..."

Hello Bandito
I might be able to help, I homeschooled in Grade 12. As far as education goes, if you or your wife are good teachers, then he'll probably be learning just as much if not more than public schoolers. It's great than you can teach him at a pace which wil allow him to learn instead of worrying about him falling behind the rest of the class. But if you can't teach him well, (like my teacher), then send him to public high. And depending on your neighborhood, if it's friendly, he'll make friends there. If it's not friendly (like the ones I grew up in), then he should be happy he hasn't met those public schoolers. As far as his social life, if he's been homed his whole life he probably doesn't have that many friends, so please spend plenty of time with him. Cause if you don't, he will very quickly get depressed and lonely (like me), and trust me it is the worst feeling in the world. So take him out to lots of places so that he isn't isolated from the world (like I was), and give him some kind of life.
I, personally, went through hell in homeschool. The only reason I did homeschool that year was because my dad moved out. Our family just bought this huge house way out in the boonies. Gorgeous house, pool, lots of lawn, it needed lots of attention to keep up. Summer wan't so bad. Swimming, lots of area to practice ball with my dad. We had a couple spare sheds, so me and my dad cooked up a little hitting cage for me. Then bang, a month later he's gone. Half of the life sucked right outta me in a matter of one month. Instead of doing long toss with dad, I just chucked balls across the yard into the side of the shed, since no one was around to hear the bang, and it didn't matter if it knocked over, we still had a couple other sheds too. The cage I then used to hit off the T. I also bounced rubber balls off another shed and practiced fielding that way. So I was left with my mom and my younger brothers. And when winter came around, hell struck. Baseball was done, pool closed. My mom made my brothers homeschool. My youngest bro has a real bad case of ADHD, he always got in trouble at school, so mom took him out in Grade 4. My other got made fun of so bad in elementary, so mom took him out too, in Grade 7. He started public High in Gr.9 and isn't doing too too bad now. My youngest still has ADHD though and he's still homing, he's in Gr.7 now doing just fine. As for me, without dad around I had to do all the work. My mom was too busy homeschooling the kids, so she made me homeschool that year, to help her out around the house. And that's all I did that winter, house work. My mom was too busy teaching the kids and doing housework that she never spent any time with me at all. I didn't learn a thing that winter. All I ever did was housework. It wasn't too too bad living without dad, but living with someone else who never gave you any attention is traumatizing, it sucked the other half of my life out. We only had one TV, and someone else was usually watching, so I had absolutely nothing to do. I spent the entire winter staring out my window thinking about other people, classrooms, people having fun hanging out on weekends, and baseball, not to mention other schoolsports, and gym class, and most of all, my dad. On weekends my mom and I were doing housework. She never brought me anywhere, and never gave me anything fun to do. It was hell, I didn't want to do a thing anymore, I didn't want to get out of bed. I told my mom I couldn't take it anymore, but she just said "Get over it!". Great advice, depression doesn't just leave at the snap of you fingers. So finally I bugged her enough and she moved us back into a neighborhood, a small house that didn't need as much work to keep it up. So I went back to public high the next year. That's my homeschool story! I also homed up til Grade3, I don't know why either. But I was young, and dad was around to play ball with. So please give you son lots of attention, otherwise you and your son may suffer the consequences, and your whole family. I'm telling you, isolation and loneliness are the worst feelings in the world. I'd rather get beaned in the forehead by Randy Johnson, that would actually be a relief. If you've been homing him his whole life, then he's probably used to it, and if he hasn't been complaining about it at all, then you must be doing a great job, so keep it up!!! As for baseball, jemaz is right, if he's good he'll show the scouts in the summer. But don't forget about school sports and gym class, that'll definately keep him in shape athletically. Chances of getting a D1 scholarship may diminish, since he won't be exposed to scouts as much as other players. So try to find him a traveling team that plays lots over summer, and don't forget to sign him up for as many showcases as possible. That should be plenty enough exposure for a D1 scholarship. And don't forget to practice with him at home during "recess", and good luck. The public highs I went to didn't have ball teams at all, but I still played well in the summer. So good luck, and I wish the best!

"Attitude is a little thing that makes a BIG difference"