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Reply to "Home School or High School..."

"School, like the world, can be great. Sometimes, like the world, it is not. By and large, though, for most kids in America public school provides an enduring, valuable and lifelong base. In the end, it largely is what family makes of it.

Home schooling leaves out so much, it seems to me. I know this, if I were still a kid I would miss what I was missing. A lot."

There's always a good and bad to everything. In homeschool you can't socialize as much as others, but you can learn an awful lot more than others. Junior Bandito should be thankful to have good parents/teachers and friends to stay out with at night. I went to both public and home high and I didn't have either. Around here, there isn't much good to anything/anyone, rough area. I missed out on an awful lot compared to people who grew up in a friendlier non-welfare setting. I wanted to leave High School with the feeling that I never wanted to leave high school, so I could tell people I did this and that and had a blast and lots of friends, but that never happened. I thought I would have friends cause I was so easy-going, talkative, outgoing, and very friendly. It's ironic, but that's the reason why I never had any friends. I didn't want to tell anyone that I spent every Saturday puking my guts out, so I never made any friends. So when I homeschooled, I didn't miss much. Jr. Bandito sounds like he's having fun, and if he doesn't want to leave homeschool, keep him there. "If they had to switch schools, they would be upset, which is as it should be." I went to 2 public highschools, and 1 year homing, and I didn't like any of them. I have no memories. The 1st week of Grade 9 I was so excited. Friends, girlfriends, movies, parties, sports. The end of the 1st semester, none of that, I didn't want to go back. I was so glad to graduate and go to college where everyone doesn't pick fights.
I think everyone's high school testimony should be like this:
rather than:

"Attitude is a little thing that makes a BIG difference"
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