I believe we are now arguing on phases of hitting within the time frame in the box. Also, believe some are arguing mental v physical. Its the old boxing analogy. Make a muscle with your bicep as hard as you can and hold. Now, without relaxing, try to be fast in a punch. You can't be fast. Now, shake your arm and make it "loose." Now try to be fast. I'm sure you'll agree it is much quicker. This might, to most, now go against Bluedog's comments. However, now do it again. You notice that even when "loose," the arm has to contract and then go. Much like the rubber band, energy has to be stored and then released. Finally, I've always taught relaxed hands. I'm a hands person. However, there is a point in the load where it is impossible to keep those hands relaxed. What you have to then realize is that both arguments here have some merit. It's just requires that the batter's presence in the box be broken down. I HOPE THIS MAKE SENSE TO EVERYONE. JMHO!