Not trying to add fuel here, but I’ve noticed something that could be important.
First, when we talk about the swing, what exactly are we talking about? I mean from start to finish?
Second, I am more convinced than ever that some of the biggest debates revolve around terminology rather than belief.
For example, I’m pretty sure that “hsbaseballcoach” doesn’t exactly mean the swing starts with the hands. Rather I think he was describing how the hands work in conjunction with the rest of the body and specifically the hips. I believe BlueDog also believes the same thing.
Often I use the term Rhythm when describing what I see in a swing. BlueDog and InfoPimp have disagreed with this if I remember correctly. When using the word Rhythm it’s not a teaching thing, but a description of what I see in most good hitters.
When all the body parts work together efficiently there is a certain rhythm to the entire process. It’s more of a visual thing than an instructional thing.
And yes… Some for whatever reason seem to come across this stuff more naturally than others. Just like arm action in throwing and running form while sprinting. For whatever reason, be it accidental or genetics, some young kids simply do things with better natural technique and do it much easier than others.
I’ve read much of what both BlueDog and InfoPimp say and have found the differences in belief is not as great as I first thought. In fact, some of the things I thought they were against I’ve found they are for. I just wasn’t familiar with all the terms and misinterpreted originally. Yes, there are differences, but to be honest, I’m not so sure I’m 100% right regarding those differences. Others, I feel strongly about and probably won’t change. For example… Loose hands and the value of hand strength. The importance of the finish of the swing. And the value of having a margin for error. And I actually like the term staying on the ball or hitting through the ball. Not because it really happens, but because I think it can help hitters.
I do not have the ability to accurately answer the original question that started this thread. I could give him a lot of different reasons why that might be happening, but it would probably confuse him more than help him. If he has ability, his should be an easy fix by getting with a good hitting instructor. I think several people here could help that young man if they were to watch him hit.
Regarding the arguing… I’ve already gone on record as saying I kind of enjoy it. However, don’t want to be involved in it. I even bet the young kids on here get a kick out of it.
Remember Ed Norton and Ralph Cramden? Laurel and Hardy? Without the arguing they wouldn’t have been anywhere near as entertaining. Please forgive me, can’t help it, please keep it up!
In the meantime, there are several people involved here and the pitching forum who really know there stuff IMO.