quote:Originally posted by TRhit:
Why arent you in the "bigs" curing all the ills?
Where is your video?
By the way big words and fancy terms dont work with young kids--they need it in english and example
TR, you've hit on a very important aspect of not only correcting a hitting/fielding flaw but also establishing a philopsphy/program. You have to have terms that mean what you say and then those terms have to be demonstrated. You know this first hand. I'm sure that the kids you get have already had 3-4 coaches and you might all say the same thing just with different phrases. Make sure that they know what you mean when you say things such as "let the ball get to you." Of course, if you can do this with video, it makes the lesson's points better because the player can see themselves. Personally, we've taped my girl at various stages of development. She loves watching the film but more importantly, she is starting to understand what she is looking for.
BTW, I hope the rain is stopping in your area. You must have received a bunch!