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How common is it to get invite to pre draft workout

1st home visit last night with son. Great meeting, low to no pressure. Personality test was given. Scout brought up "rounds/money topic" and squelched it early saying now wasn't the time to discuss. 2.5 hours later, we (mom, son and i) had learned a lot and were better prepared for a 2nd meeting if it ever presents itself. Usual questions arose, girlfriend, distance away from home, do you like to throw inside, are you a hard worker/dedicated, talked about the bus rides, typical day in the life of a MiLBer with schedule etc. and rookie ball, low and high A as well as college juniors vs 21 yo MiLBers at that age and experence level. Also who sits in back of bus on trips....old guys/young guys...seniority.


Got an invite to their facility for the pre-draft workout, 30-50 prospects and didn't know if this was "standard" or common or if it indicated more interest OR was a gating item to indicate willingness by the prospect/family to be drafted etc? It is June 2015.


All comment, thoughts welcomed and appreciated.

"Every man is a damn fool for at least five minutes every day; wisdom consists in not exceeding the limit."

Elbert Hubbard

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