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Reply to "How Do Coaches Feel About Parents With Radar"


I guess you don't know who TXMom is. TXMom is one of the most respected baseballpeople (notice I didn't say mom or dad) in our community (both here at HSBaseballweb as well as the community in which she lives)

You see TXMom has 2 sons, both were drafted and both are humble, talented and boys we would all be proud to call our own. Both sons are the way they are because of their supportive, loving and very involved parents.

So, in other words, she speaks from experience, knowledge, passion and most of all from the heart. I have had the pleasure of knowing her personally, she was also my son's elem. school teacher, she is a fellow baseball mom and I can tell you she is someone I admire and aspire to be like. The thing I admire the most about her is that you could run into her on the street and she will always meet you with a smile, a kind word and you would never know how successful her boys are because she is proud of their accomplishments but doesn't "Live" their accomplishments that is for them to do.

Her son's are the best young men I have seen come out of our community. Besides their talent on the baseball field they continue to give back to the community (because they were brought up that way). In fact this past weekend her oldest, the 3rd round draft pick, was back home visiting his family and he stopped up at the HS, my son along w/2 other underclassman were at the cages hitting. He doesn't even know my son (as he is much older than he is) and he spent an hour throwing BP to all 3 of them. What a thrill for each of them. And guess what, he never told them about the Giants he was just a local alumni coming to workout (of course my son knew who he was because of his mom).

Teacherman, take a moment and teach yourself something, it isn't just a man's world out there and if a women has some ideas and some insight she might just know a bit more than you do and it might be that it was learned the same way you learned what you know and it was on the field raising son's that love the game.

NOT FOR TEACHERMAN BUT IN REGARDS TO THE ORIGINAL QUESTION AND POST: And in regards to radar no radar, if your son needs it as a tool to evaluate and train then use it, but if you are using it to bring attention to your son or yourself-then what a shame. (edited for clarification and not viewed as a personal remark)
Last edited by oldbat-never