In the end, I think everyone can agree that there is no one size fits all solution to the original question of how do we figure it out? It is an individual journey for each family that leads to where they are supposed to be. Some will choose the showcase route, some college camps, some high profile travel team in PG tourneys (or other organization), some none of the above & some a combination. The key is that there is no one right solution - they can all be right. I'm trying to guide my son down a path that I hope will make him happy based on finances, time and potential exposure, but in the end, it is still entirely up to him on whether or not he even continues playing. I wish he could do everything, but unfortunately with the cost of his travel team, his high school team, travel to the big tourneys, equipment, etc., we have to be selective & continue to ask questions like all this posted on the site - love it!