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Reply to "How do you get others to come to HSBBW?"



I've had similiar conversations over the years with parents and players.   It is tough to tell people exactly how good the site is without them having the motivation to at least check it out.  In some cases, I've actually sent them URL links on a particular question or issue only to have them report back that they didn't click on a freaking URL link.  


So, I've kind of given up on those people and focus on the ones that do follow up with me.  I'm more than happy to help those people that want to be helped otherwise it is a waste of time for both of us.  Yes, you are conveying the site value properly in that answers to their questions reside on a website across a multitude of baseball interests.  Some people really want genuine answers or guidance on a website and others just want to chew your ear off about their problems.  JMO.


