JP great post
This website is a treasure trove gem full of generous people, where else can you ask the founder of the Area Code games a question and get great advice?
People ask us the same questions you wrote.
We try to give our son every opportunity we can as long as he wants to and he can compete.
Sure, you miss some games on TV at a bar on weekends to throw with your son or take him to a showcase or workout,
for us it is worth it.
For many kids and their parents it isn't.
The time spent together has been priceless.
We were at a big regional invitational event last weekend,
every kid was really good,
you get to know some parents and the parents had a consensus, you see the same players/people at these things as you go up the "pyramid" of baseball,
fewer and fewer kids at the best events,
with many of the same kids and parents because the players want it more.
They get up early to drive them and the player forgoes a party in order to hopefully do his best.
Have passed this website address, as well as coach's numbers, invitations, etc. to parents of really good players who could advance to the next level.
People don't follow through and are surprised when their son doesn't get a rash of college offers as they were the " best kid" in the local 12u little league.