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Reply to "How do you get others to come to HSBBW?"

To be honest, those looking for answers from more than one source will be here.  Others either think they've got it figured out and won't take your advice, or their interest in their son's baseball future is merely lip service.  You know them:  They complain about team fundraisers and five minutes later talk about how much money they blew on their latest toy (or at the bar last Saturday night).


In any case, I always refer folks to this site when they're looking for answers.  I suspect all of us pretty much know when we make that referral who will (and will not) take us up.  All knowledge is power and this site has a staggering amount of knowledge, both past and present.  Those that want to educate themselves and their players will use it.  Those that don't will continue to wonder why nobody is looking at their son.


This site is not the know-all-end-all of HS baseball resources, but it's pretty darned close.
