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Reply to "How rare is a full ride?"

The other thing a lot of parents forget ... it's really not about percentage or bragging rights.

It's about kids that want to continue to play ball at the next level and get an education. To parents, this is most likely going to cost you money in some form ... after the percentages are all done, is it tuition, books, stipend, or Room & Board ... what is LEFT for you to pay? $5K, $10K, $20K? Depends on the offer, the cost structure of the school, and the cost of living in that geographical area. Whatever it ends up, its a question of whether you can afford the remainder for the kid to play there and get an education, and what is the quality of the baseball and academic experience at one place versus another. Even if a kid gets a legitimate "full ride" ... you're still probably paying for things like car insurance, gas, some spending money, etc. Nothing is ever completely 'free'.

Personally, for me it's not about X% at one school verus Y% at another ... it's about where is the best overall environment where my son will continue to thrive and develop, both on the field and off as a ballplayer, student, and young adult. The $$$ issue is just whether I can afford to make up the difference to make it work ... is it viable for our family.

Of course, the structure of any offer is a form of indication of the player's importance to a program. Not the only indicator, but one of them.
Last edited by pbonesteele