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Reply to "How to Handle a Difficult Season"

Sorry, it seems some have missed the over the top nature of my "story" to TPM when told my kid is too young to worry about it and "enjoy" it.  We are all human.  We all have a competitive streak in us.  That is true whether the kid is 8 or 18.  The difference is perspective -- which should be different for 8 and 18.  I am just seeking some preemptive coping mechanisms for when the inevitable happens.  If I am wrong, and I hope I am, then no harm. 


And it is not any type of superiority, but rather knowledge based on experience.  As I originally stated, my kid has been playing in this league for several years.  I know what to expect.  It won't be a move up for him.  I agree with playing good competition, but also preparing to compete with them.  A 2 or 3 run game against a superior opponent shows you can compete vs. a 12-0 run rule, which shows you cannot. 


TPM stated it "sounds like practice is in order."  And that is my point.  We have not done enough to compete.  I have diplomatically tried to suggest we do more but my suggestions have not been taken.  Fortunately, my kid has kept up the routine he is used to on his own.  He'll be ready.  But the team wont be.  And that is my fear. 
