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Reply to "How to stay back on the ball"

Wow am I ever confused about hitting, but to join the fray a bit...our eyes do a great deal for us...amazing invention by the Big Guy...but one thing they cannot do is follow a moving target smoothly---our eyes are connected to our sockets by muscle and ligs...their movement is more of a "jerky" movement along an axis...sorta like seeing every 3rd frame of a movie. Our brain, and in this SJS is correct it is our sub-concious brain function that "fills in" the gaps in the visual input...have you ever read one of those small paragraphs where you are asked to count the instances of the word "of" or "if?" We often miss them because our eyes race over the words--skipping from one to the next and our subconcious is filling in the blanks...its the reason we "react" to something that happens quickly---if we had time to think many of us would not be here! My example is being hit by a baseball---do you think, "get out of the way" or do you simply react? Reactions are in our subconcious and control our quick muscle reactions...I was always taught to think about the situation (a deliberate evaluation) before the pitch...then simply react to the ball and allow my "engrained through repetition" instincts to work.