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Reply to "How will you teach hitting?"


The arm and hand action starts with a very very relaxed upper body in constrast to a preloaded position. This alone shifts the focus to the lower body and the hip/hand nuero connection tends to lead the load. The upper body is forced to load dynamically from this starting position and the timing like all timing cannot be taught.

You read about "when the pitcher starts to show you his butt;you show him yours etc". But can we really teach that? I think it is about a good swing then much live arm practice. We all know about when it should happen and sometimes we tell kids that but does it help...I don't know?

As far as change ups, they will always get their share of people out. Even for no stride , if the arm action doesn't match the ball speed your still screwed up. While hitters are practicing great mechanics so are the pitchers. That is why it is a great game.

Tom Writes:
The rear arm action sequence is the same as in the overhand throw where you break the hands with elbows up and palms down (or out) which kinesiologically you might describe as abduction and internal rotation of the throwing/back arm (humerus).This arm action interrupts/prevents any excessive backturn/counterrotation as the bat is coked. The sequence then goes on to prduce "pre-launch tht" as the bat turns back to the catcher/begins to uncok,then "tht at launch" which optimizes trunk coil dynamics (creates "x-factor stretch") to set up consistent and quick unloading.

When you can dig out what is happening here it is simple and it IS how many great hitters swing if you look frame by frame. Even Babe Ruth.

For those that will never teach arm action do one thing for me. Put your bat barrel in the 45 degree launch slot and measure how far your lead elbow is from your left pect muscle. Now put the hands stacked almost vertical and close to your right collar bone...WHERE IS YOUR LEAD ELBOW? it is almost touching your pect now. Which is tension free? How much tension is in your arm at hand break pitching? Would it help to put yuour hand back in the power throwing psoition and muscle up?

When you start the bat in the 45 slot then go vertical and back to the 45 launch slot your lead elbow works tight to the pect muscle as the stride begins and the hips are rotating and the lead shoulder locks into the rotation before the bat starts to flatten at true launch. The hips are ahead of the hands naturally just like pitching. Imagine how speed would be lost pitching if your hips and your shoulders turning to throw at exactly the same time and in the same phase.

Some say learn to turn over and over to help hitter get it. But how? You will learn to turn when what your doing helps you to turn. Projecting the bat barrel correctly through the zone aids give you the feeling that the turn is connected and working without rushing to the ball. It compliments the turn and follow through. You cannot take a bad swing and practice it until you turn well. Your working against mother nature and physics.

There is a strong tendency to chicken wing and tug the handle in many players..especially RH hitters that throw RH. They seem to be benefited by this arm and hand action.
Last edited by swingbuster