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Reply to "How will you teach hitting?"

If you cannot see it in 100s of clips then you do not chose to see it and that is fine. Or maybe those in your charge hit well without it and thats fine too. THere are some clips that support that style too.

Yes, many HOF's get/got a running start. Yes, many mlb clips will show the running start. Just as many will show something different.

The problem is you teach arm action as the key. The difference maker. The thing most players are missing. The thing that "if they'd just do this" they'd have success.

That couldn't be further from the truth. What the best do is load their center and create momentum by carrying the load into launch. And then, rotate with good connection.

Most call this carrying move a stride. The word stride is so far from accurate that it is has the same value as "arm action" when it comes to hitting. It has none. Most interpret a stride as similar to a "walking" stride. Simply getting momentum from which to swing with. Its very different from that. In fact, the feet don't even have to move to carry the momentum forward. In fact, something else happens which causes the "stride" or "momentum" shift. In other words, there really isn't a stride. There is a carrying move that moves the foot. If in fact it moves at all.

The actual "move" or "cause" is up the chain. What most see, the foot move, (and call it a stride), is a result of a something else going on.

And this carrying move, or momentum shift, and it's immediate unload at foot touch down is key. And your device teaches something completely different.

Pay attention to the time between foot touch down of a hitter and the launch of his swing as compared to touch down of a player using your device and the launch of his swing.

Maybe, if they hit the ball on the way up it would have value.'re not helping anyone. And a very good case can be made that you are hurting hitters.

Your interest in arm action defines why you think the device is good. The problem is, arm action will not make you a hitter. Learning to properly load, carry and unload the center will.

Your obsession with "hands back" isn't most hitters problem. Most hitters problem is they don't understand the load and carry move. If they did, their hands wouldn't be a problem. At least "hands back" wouldn't be a problem.

You mention your success helping youth hitters by moving their hands back and preloading them. Not a bad move for a coach and his youth hitters. At least it gets them to have some success. The problem is, at that level, they rarely face the need for, and notice their lack of, swing quickness. So, your band aid works.

But, as they advance, they will have to learn something completely different to be successful. They will have to learn to load their center, create momentum by carrying the load into foot touch and launch with good connected rotation. Otherwise they will never develop the swing quickness to "catch up" to the pitching speeds they have to face.
Last edited by Linear