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Reply to "How will you teach hitting?"


I said...."How many criminals started in jail"?

Of course, it won't make your point so you change it to "How many people in jail started out as criminals".

Sorry, I'm not buying your *** backwards logic.

For "followers" I don't recommend you drink the Kool Aid.

The point I'm making is the vast majority of players that make it, can not point to anything but their own trial and error process that got them there. What got them there was learned on their own, and with most cases their dad. Again, vast majority.

So much a vast majority, that not only can most players not point to a coach who made the difference in their understanding of "how to get the barrel there quicker" but most coaches, in fact, were obstacles themselves in the learning process. Not facilitators. Not teachers. But, obstacles.

The things most coaches provide is opportunities to play. Which is very valuable. What they don't provide because they refuse to study is "skill" knowledge, in particular "hitting skill knowledge". But they really like the accolades when they live in a community that have kids who work there butts off, trial and error, with dad, and then play at their school. Now, they like to say "look at me!! Look what "I" can do." ""I" can put him in the 1 hole, him in the 2 hole, him in the 3 hole etc, he can pitch, he can field and....oh my god....look what "I" can do." Right B25? Well, only about 95 out of a 100 can look at 20 players and pick the best 9.....What really are you doing?

What good is it if someone provides an opportunity while at the same time unknowingly placing obstacles to one's success. And, it's these obstacles that cause the "baseball track record" to be so bad. Plain and simple, bad coaching. About 40% of major leaguers are from other countries even though we have all the wealth, facilities, etc etc. If there was any decent rate of good knowledge dissimination that figure would be much lower.


Ever have an original thought? You remind me of the "hit me" guy in One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest.

Long and the short of it is you "lineup card maker outers" that call yourselves coaches, have no clue what is involved in a high level swing. Not only have no clue, but want no clue. Which is the worse sin a coach can commit.

But you do like trophies.....right B25?

Isn't it about time for your self strokes?
Last edited by Linear