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Reply to "How will you teach hitting?"

Kids aren't stupid. When they receive what is perceived by them to be "good coaching" and they still fail, they move on.

If they had the "real deal" (coaching) and had the success they all deserve, they wouldn't leave the game as quickly.

But, who is in charge of youth baseball through high school in the USA.........Your neighbors and mine. Volunteers. 99% with no clue.

Holy Cow. Well-meaning but clueless people.

So, dads do what? Go to the local training center to find a teacher for the son. What do they find? Ex pros who could but can't. They played but can't begin to tell you what they did right. And the cycle continues every year.

Those who finally make it do so from stubborn trial and error. They have to ignore coaching to make it. Some can deal with that. Some can't.
Last edited by Linear