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Reply to "How will you teach hitting?"

Here is the text again sir as requested in Email captain

Posted February 19, 2006 01:55 PM

This photo of 16 yr old LHH
prospect from California
and video clip of #25-(Trip?)
looks very similiar in early
stages of the swing. Believe
Shep when he says, that is a
compliment! PG Jerry, you can
view frame by frame of NY
prospect #25 by using arrows
on right side bottom of video
clip. Reverse/FF buttons

Notice how Stock loads against
lower body large muscle groups
and maintains balance and
center before turning
shoulders and bringing bat
forward. Front foot is closed
as should be and power is
coming from lower base as
in hitting against a strong
front side in carousel

The rotational power swing
as demonstrated by LHH in
California can be attained
through hard-work and
dedication. Stock began
studying this type of swing
back when he was around 11-
12 yrs of age and is the
best recent example I can
think of as far as success
attained from proper use of
the mechanics involved in the
rotational swing and using the
lower body muscles, which by
the way are strongest in body,
to generate batspeed and power.
should be like a whip when
coming forward if hitting
against strong front side.
The lowerbody is the primary
foundation of the strong
front side
Last edited by Shepster