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Reply to "HS Pop Times"

Yeh....2.0 for a catcher is like 90 for a pitcher. So I sopose that 2.0 would be the # to shoot for.

Suggestion: figure out where he is now, then break down the sequence, and try to speed up the stages. By doing it this way you might be able get quicker times.

Just an aside, but the best catcher my son ever threw to had a terrible pop time! Weak arm, and bad (not just medeocre, but real bad!) footwork but he could really receive the ball, and was almot impossible to get a pitch in the dirt passed him!

My son had so much confidence in this guy it was amazing! Loved pitching to him! Come to find out that he had terrible knees which affected his ability to come out of the crouch. But boy he sure knew how to catch and make the pitcher look good!

"You should enter a ballpark the way you enter a church." Bill -Spaceman- Lee