He's not even close to the other kid's in strength or size. So no, his throws to second aren't on a rope, his hits to the outfield aren't as deep, and it takes him longer than everyone to get down the line. But that's my point - with 17 kids on the feeder team, and all of them several years older than him, he's always in the lineup game day (3-11 with 6 walks), he's catching the championship games now (to the horror of some of the parents), and yes, he's even thrown out a few runners (a rope that bounces 30' in front of bag and probably gets there in 2.6 or so). So for those questioning if he is going to really compete at that level, no, of course not. Clearly he's doing ok behind the dish but that's why I have him there - to have a chance to slow the game down a bit earlier in his career.
Being "always in the lineup game day", I'd say he's competing just fine. And he's probably learning a lot playing at this level now. GOOD for him!