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Reply to "I'm so glad I had my son skip.."

Originally Posted by 4seamer:

13u.  He's still only 11 (12 in Nov) but went from the small field to the big field in August playing in 14u. Best decision I ever made. He's a catcher so maybe it would have been different if he played somewhere else - certainly if he pitched. But as a receiver, I'm glad I walked him past 13u. Pitchers actually throw 90% over the plate instead of bouncing their pitches in the dirt 10' in front of the plate, they hold runners better so he has a chance to throw them out, and there appears to be less drama - more dugout fun and less 'can I play on this field' concerns. Curious about the experiences other catching families had on the big field jump. 

Having 3 boys gone through league ball I think you would have been better off being patient and giving your son the ability to play to his potential.  My son never got to the big field until age the summer he almost turned 15. 

In our area league ball progressively moved the mound and base distances until freshman year of high school.  I just don't see the need to hurry the process especially if there is a lot of talent in the area. 

In our small town my son is the only one left from his league teams that is still playing and has the most chance of playing college baseball.  

There is just so much that goes on in a young man's life starting at age 14 through age 19 that you would be surprised at how many lose interest in the sport altogether by their senior year. 
