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I need answers

Well, I'm getting pretty frustrated lately becuase I can't seem to get any consistency on what I'm being taught hitting wise. I have a hitting instructor who is currently a minor league player (father played in the bigs) and he has taught me rotational mechanics. Of course he thinks this is the correct way and he says all the best hitters hit like this.

Then there is another instructor who my high school coach has everyone working with in group sessions who is telling me my swing is all wrong and I should be swinging down to the ball and hitting the top half. Linear mechanics if I am right. Keep in mind that he is a former major leaguer and he has no doubt in his system.

Now I am paying good money for both of these guys (have only seen the second for two weeks) and this is really getting on my nerves. First off money doesn't come out of my *** and more importantly I would rather be good with one swing than have two screwed up swings. So I need to know the facts about these swings. What do most major leaguers actually do and what is considered "correct" nowadays? What are u posters teaching your kids/players? Opinions are appreciated.
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