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Reply to "I need answers"


There is no right or wrong way-- it has been proven that both methods work --the player still needs to make a decision

If he was not taking "private instruction" this question might not even be raised because the player would not have two theories in front of him.

Which method gives the player the best results? Which is he more comfortable with?

Sometimes we try to learn too much technically instead of allowing the natural talent to evolve.

Food for thought: going back to my sons HS days, 10 years ago, he had a coach who had very simple philosophy regarding my sons hitting ability--- as long as he hit and each year improved his average then why mess with success.

Because of my sons footspeed some so called " experts" thought he should switch hit--his HS coach said no way-- dont try and fix what is not broken.

Some felt my son should have been more of a pull hitter---his HS coach said that will come as he gets stronger and matures physically--don't mess with success

The old coach was very simple but very wise in many ways--baseball is really a very simple game if we allow it to be
Last edited by TRhit