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Reply to "I need answers"

WYplayer...hitting is a journey not a will undoubtedly be given instruction on every step of this journey, by every coach you play for, and then some. LL, select ball, HS, College etc. As TR said, you have to choose your style, Rotational or Linear...doesn't matter, and then work to master it.

It may cost you playing time due to not hitting as you learn, but don't give up once you choose. It's funny about hitting, everyone goes to someone to learn, then as they get better, some one else...usually a coach says...NO,NO do it this way. What is TRUE, is if you can hit .400 let's say, no one will ever say a thing to you.

I and many other fathers have never taken our kid to a lesson...there are certain fundamental things abour hitting, and I believe it doesn't cost $$$ to learn. It costs many hours at many different stations with many adjustments. Unfortunately, some parents have never played the game and have to invest in a person or program to start you on.

Making contact is more important than any other aspect...a player who puts the ball in play 75-80% of the time will develop into a good hitter and find his way to a spot on any team. Confidence and believing in yourself will take you far.

Good Luck!!