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Reply to "I need help"

I beg to disagree with your statement that playing summerball is "key". this young man is injured and cannot play summer ball. My son played on allstar travel summer teams throughout his highschool career(Miami Air Attack, Blue Gray Florida,etc..)and even though he was recruited by several D1 and D3 schools, not one of those letters and phone calls came as a result of playing summer ball. All came from going to Showcases like Headfirst Honor Roll, Perfectgame Academic and summer camps like Yale, Duke and Boston College. Playing summer ball is not the key, getting good grades and getting film to coaches who's program would be a good fit is much more important. In south florida there are many kids that play localy for their high school summer teams and don't get the exposure to the college coaches that you claim is "key" and still sign with great baseball programs. Don't put in this kid's head that if he doesn't play summer ball he won't play college ball because that is not necesarily true. By the way my son turned down two D1 schools to go play for a D3 where he would play right away and get a great education.