I am not here to argue with you but here are a few facts for you to digest
01-- I have been in contact with this young man and he was released by his doctor two weeks ago to begin hitting and throwing--so don't say he wont play this summer--He had hoped to be released for the HS playoffs but that did nto happen
02-- Summer ball up here is key--you, sir are in Florida not in the Northeast where the window of opprotunity is small not to mention the conditions in the spring
03-- Film-- (Video) -- thus will only pique the interest of a coach not get the player a scholarship---
04-- as for me "filling his head" you sir are off base once again-- you have no idea as to how things work here in the Northeast unless you have lived here-- the spring weather is a killer in terms of performance thus summer and fall are in fact KEY !!
By the way,if your son doesnt attend a D-1 program how does he or you know he can't play there right away?
Also by the way my son played Division I ball and summer ball was the KEY for him--his team won a major high profile tournament and he was named MVP in the event--Mo Vaughn and BJ Surhoff had played in the same event and were named MVPs when they played during their HS careers-- YES summer ball can be a key factor