A question for some of you who have mentioned that your sons attended...or know someone who attended IMG. Do they do it expecting it to provide a return on that investment in the form of scholarship money? My son knows 12-15 juniors here in Ohio who have already committed to some very good baseball schools all over the Eastern half of the US....and not one has every attended a camp or facility that charges that kind of $$$$....partly because there aren't any....but also because they all play for some very good and respected travel organizations that get them an awful lot of exposure in the summer. My son will likely play D1....and we've never attended a camp that cost more than $350...and we decided afterwards that it was a waste of $$$. How do you justify that kind of money for a camp???
I had to respond to question. I personally did not send my son to a $75000.00 camp there but I did have him there for a week long camp twice. It was not cheap but the coaches there while former MLB players, are not just hired because of their background but because they can coach. How many Coaches are in the MLB that use to play? I would say quite a few.
As for the return on investment, that is for each parent to consider but for my son it was a chance learn in a enviroment that is setup for quality coaching. What my son took out of it helped me stand out. That is not to say that works for everyone.
My son is not gifted but he is a hard worker and coachable which has earned him a spot on a college team. Going to IMG did not make it happen, he made it happen but taking him there helped him to tweak so flaws. Maybe in some areas you have a wealth of former MLB players that coach for far less but keep in mind that IMG, Doyle Academy or any place that runs a quality facility has overhead and a buisness model that requires a certain expense. I know there are players out there that would love to go but cannot afford it and that is unfortunate but having a camp like IMG or Doyle is a must if you do not have that type of coaching.