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In Game Coaching Decision

Long time lurker.  On this site, there is much discussion about parents never confronting coaches and I understand that most of the time.  But I watched a situation that made me think how should this be handled.  Varsity teams playing double header.  Pitcher throws 6 innings in first game and then pulled.  He is brought back when they give up a couple of runs to finish game after a short time being in the field.  No big deal much like sitting during long at bat by team.  Finishes with about 80 something pitches.

The second game he plays outfield.  In the seventh inning, the pitcher gets in trouble in a close important game for playoff standings and home field advantage.  The coach brings back the pitcher from the first game to finish game.  He does so effectively with only 6 pitches.

My question and the question of almost everyone at the game was why would a coach do that to a player who is committed to P5.  Above and beyond that, I thought with all the discussions here how would a parent stop this from happening?  Not wanting to question whether it was a wise choice by the coach because I do not think it was and do not even think he thought it was but felt pressure to do it.  What should a parent do to stop it?

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