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Incentive clauses for LL son

I found this post on another board. What do people think of this?


No secret that MLB players have a tendency to put up bigger #'s in a contract year. Their fantasy value at least always seems to jump way up. The incentive clauses probably help too. SOOOooooo

My son and I are hashing out his "'09 Contract." Last year he succeeded in making me pay up on some of his incentives. Funny thing is that even almost all of the ones he didn't reach, he got paid off on eventually anyway. There was a Wii and an XBox 360 that he eventually got for XMas even though he didn't reach the terms of the much for being a hardball negotiator on my part

So far we've got:

Over the fence homerun = MLB game tickets for him and a friend + food, souverniers, etc.

Multiple HRs = (I think he's got Scott Boras working with him on this one. I'm saying it has to be more than one in a single game or I'll even go the same week. He wants every HR after the first one to be worth) MLB tickets all inclusive to a 3 game series with a friend. Wants to take the train too.

Complete game shutout = I'll clean his room for a week.

Complete game no-hitter = I'll clean his room for a month + no chores for an additional month + double allowance for an additional month.

25+ innings w/o a wild pitch = new catcher's gear

12K's in a single game = Nike ID (ones he personalizes) cletes with nickname and # in All Star colors if he makes it or for football.

Triple w/ head first slide = (Since sliding head first is illegal in LL, it's stipulated that his team has to have a comfortable lead because he'll probably be called out) 5 XBox games and I have to play them with him.

Walk off HR = long board skateboards for both he and I and I have to ride mine with him sometimes. So basically this one costs me a bunch of cash and broken bones.

That's about it so far, but as the season develops they normally change. For example, I think he'll homer at least once this year. If it turns out it doesn't happen, I'll go straight to the 3 game series for the first one. Sort of like an MLB franchise, there's something in it for me too if I have to pay up. I need to work on my poker face. Some of this stuff he's going to get regardless, like taking him and a friend to a game, but I don't want to tell him that. Pretty sure I'll be cleaning his room for a week too.

** The dream is free. Work ethic sold separately. **

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