Hey Turn
I don't recall saying anything about unfair. I do know the team and all the coaches and have great admiration for them. My point is that thay misrepresent by the use of the name Team Ontario. They are not the best players in Ontario and the stories of misrepresentations by parents and players could fill a book. Several of my son's friends played for them before and after the split. One guy told me that when he fundraised he told them he played for Team Ontario and was able to get funds easier. Look at what is happening now to the senior team. Most players have left to play for other team like Team Toronto,OBJ so they can play OBA and play on the youth team that does represent the province.Look at the difference at the Canada Cup now the PBLO players are allowed to play for the youth teams. There are so many great players in Southern Ontario they could probably make 4-5 strong youth teams.
When my son made Team Ontario at 15 we added it up and going to Florida and the whole package was about $6000. One of my son's friends who played for them said he would pay $7,000 but was offset partially by fund raisers.
5 years ago they used to hold 10-15 tryouts all over Ontario looking for the best players. Now they hold 2 tryouts locally.
Answer me this. Do you think the team has the best players in Ontario? Do you or your parents throw the name out and leave people thinking that it is The Team Ontario ? Did you let your coach know when you signed with the school you are at? You may have played with them when they were the provincial team but not in the last 4 years.