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Reply to "Is Baseball dying?"

@RJM I believe it will.  Mobile consumption is often a different behavior pattern.  It’s less passive.  Consumer has far more control over how/when/where they watch.  This alters the dynamic between viewer and broadcaster.  Older viewers, even in choice expanded cable, have a programmatic, passive relationship with product.  Mobile the consumer is in the driver seat.  How does effect something like sports consumption? Eg often things like patience are impacted.  Most people hate ads on mobile, whereas they are trained to deal with them on TV (pretty important financial component in all of this).  Highlights, which used to be consumed over an hour on SportsCenter are now available seconds later on social media, or if there is an “extended “ version its 1 minute on House Of Highlights.  Streaming/mobile is not just a platform shift it’s an entire paradigm and relationship shift.  And to me that’s why sports like basketball, MMA and soccer are flourishing. And baseball, while it won’t die, will be challenged. 
