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Reply to "Is he ready to showcase?"

Since others were kind enough to clarify what I meant, I will support their thoughts:

My son is one of the youngest boys in his entire class of 240ish and if he isn't THE youngest male athlete in his class, he's 2nd (there is a boy on his football team who I know is young, too, just can't remember which one is youngEST). This is not unusual here locally for sure-boys are often held back from kindergarten (sometimes even later ugh) as all youth basketball (king here in Indiana) and football programs are "grade based"(so the older a 3rd grader, the better I guess), and we are a LL charter so "baseball age" used to make 13yos 12 anyway. Lol 

Seems to be at least a regional thing, also-it's not at all unusual for male freshman athletes we know/have faced etc. across the tri-state to be every bit of 15 1/2 or darn-near-16yo already, if not ACTUALLY 16.  I'm really sorry that I even mentioned it, I guess what I was told here and what I had thought I'd seen in my laps around the internet was wrong- my kid is not young at all for a freshman "hopeful". My bad.

