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Reply to "Is It Over?"

Screw 'em. Play wherever they will take you. Play rec, post on here looking to guest play. See if you can find a travel team that will let you fund raise. I know your school tried to get you to sell wrapping paper sometime in your elementary career so why shouldn't you try to find local businesses to contribute a little money. My son plays for a travel team that will cost around $200 a month. He has worked out an agreement to take care of a couple of yards for a year if they will pay the team costs. If it rains a lot he is toast. As long as you continue to work at it you have a shot. Just because a coach can't see past the physical doesn't mean you should give it up. We played a team with a left handed catcher today. You just need to find a coach who will see the possible instead of the impossible. Good luck.
