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Reply to "Is the UCL problem even solvable?"

TPM posted:
Go44dad posted:
MidAtlanticDad posted:

Very few non-pitchers have TJS. Many young OFers throw 90+ with a crow-hop and never have elbow problems. The forces on the elbow "look" similar, so I have to surmise that the main difference is repetitions and recovery time.

Has anyone read a study that has determined where in the pitching sequence the UCL is getting stressed? Late cocking phase seems obvious, but do they really know? How much of that stress/rotation is in the shoulder joint at late cocking? How much stress at ball release, when those forces are trying to open up the elbow joint and stretch the UCL?

I hope Nolan Ryan has made arrangements for his UCL to be studied after he's gone.

When the doctors do a post mortem study of Nolan's UCL, don't be surprised if it slaps the doctor around the lab.

He may not even have one!

Sure he does. And it will be wearing a cowboy hat!
