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Reply to "IS THIS A BALK"

Originally posted by Texan:
Originally posted by Jimi Hendrix:

I'm assuming that is your son in the dark top. The balk call would come from when he steps on the rubber and brings his hands together and then breaks them and then brings them together again.


Assuming we're talking about the kid in the red shirt...

Balk? C'mon JimiDee!! He is just signaling the bullpen catcher what he is about to throw. Obviously, he won't do that when throwing to a batter during a game.

It is somewhat unusual. And that means, right or wrong, it may get called a balk. Not all blues are up on the rules, much less the interps.


Our state meeting is scheduled for Jan 18-20, 2008 at the DFW Marriot South just off Hwy 360 and Trinity Pkwy in Fort Worth. Why don't you come down and explain them to us?

As for me, I never argue with an idiot like you. You will just bring me down to your level and beat me with experience.