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Reply to "It is Past Time to Face Reality"

TPM posted:
ARCEKU21 posted:

Got a little taste of relaxing the lockdown today in Texas. Our governor announced today that on Monday they are opening back up the state parks. You have to wear a mask and follow social distancing guidelines, but they will be open. Also, he is letting all retail open back up if they can support "to go" commerce.  He said in two weeks he will see how things are going and possibly implement the second stage of opening up.

Also, Future Stars Series posted an update about the tournaments in August and the game plan. Sounds like they are thinking this out pretty well: Regular cleaning crews onsite, hand sanitizing stations in all the dugouts, stagger game times through the 8 venues to allow for teams to leave before others arrive, limiting the number of people in the stadium at one time and also making sure there is ample space so people are spaced out per guidelines. 

Hopefully we get some further good news in 2 weeks. 

As of today Texas has confirmed 17371 cases and 428 deaths. Should e interesting to see if this goes up or remains the same.


Couple takeaways on this...

- Most of Americans must have slept through fractions, as 428/30 million is .00001427, which is not even a rounding error. (And TPM, as you know, my wife died of the flu a dozen years ago, so cold of heart I may be.)

-Our civilization climbed up the mountain in wooden shoes, and will fall off the cliff in silk slippers. 
