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Reply to "It is Past Time to Face Reality"

Go44dad posted:

It is Past Time to Face Reality.

IHME lowered nationwide death projection 12%, from 68k to 60k.  Florida was a large part of this drop, going from 4,738 to 1363.

A small anti-body testing study in Chelsea, (Boston) shows 34% of people have the antibodies produced from exposure to CoVid 19, many times the amount expected. (Chelsea is somewhat analagous to New York in proximity of people, etc.  I'll let someone who knows tell me if that is true or not.)

While the meaning of Hoax has shifted over the last few years, this is beginning to smell much more like a media and politician driven hysteria. It's beginning to show the statistics of a normal respiratory flu season with some regions particularly hard hit.


Chelsea is adjacent to the city. It’s a high density, high unemployment, low education, low income  ESL town. Chances are these were the last people to know what was going on. There’s a lot of hanging out and chatting in Chelsea. In normal times you see a lot of people hanging in front of buildings.

City rolling out trucks broadcasting COVID-19 messages in 7 languages


Last edited by RJM