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Reply to "It's OK to dream... And plan."

Originally Posted by NYdad2017:

As the parent of a 15 year old HS sophomore, I always try to advise the parents of younger players to try to temper your enthusiasm.  If you ask my son, he'll tell you he's a different player than he was during freshman year.  Very different from what he was as an 8th grader and vastly different from what he was as a 7th grader.  


In baseball, as in life, there is an accumulation of experiences and knowledge that CAN help to make you a better player or person.  What someone does with that is up to them.  Some use it to learn and some ignore it.  


Of course a strong work ethic will help to make your player a better athlete, student, and person.  But what some perceive as a strong work ethic at 12, becomes a whole different ball game at 14, 16, 20, or you name it.  There are added scholastic and other obligations that decrease their free time.  As they age you will see other parts of their life, be it baseball or classroom skills, that need additional attention.  There are additional freedoms as they age, allowing them to travel on their own or with friends. Not to mention the dreaded girl factor.  (and I say that tongue in cheek)


So relax.  It's your job as a parent to HELP your child get a little better, smarter, and stronger every year.  In all of the things that will be important in their lives.  Educate them well and give them space as they age.  See if they make the right decisions when they are on their own.  It's okay to stumble a little now.  You may even have to help them get back up.  But what you don't want is them living so under your thumb that the moment they leave home everything goes to hell.


So relax.  Enjoy your children.  I'm sure even the parents of the younger ones can say how fast time has gone since their kid played tee ball.  And I know the parents of the older ones could tell us all many stories.


My son is about to start his 2nd year of HS baseball.  And I will, very fortunately, be there for every game this year.  Even the ones during their Florida trip.  I'm going to enjoy every minute of these next 2 1/2 years of HS.  He'll be able to move on and play after HS.  That much I am sure of.  Should he still want to.  And I'm not saying that because he's shown a decrease in anything related to baseball.  But this is life folks and kids sometimes change their goals and their minds.  Either way, I'm confident I am raising a fine young man and that is far more important to me.


But do me a favor.  Next time you (and this is not directed at anyone specifically) want to come one here and curse out the coach, the parent of some other player, the ump, the other team, whatever...  Look around.  Are your children healthy?  Is your spouse? How about you?  Take a breath and think about what you are going to complain about. Because there are far more important things in life.


I wish all of you nothing but the best.


Another Bingo, and I wish your son the very best this spring!
